Use of pulse-field electrophoresis for intraspecies differentiation of methycillin-resistant, coagulase-negative strains of Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA-CN)

Młynarczyk, A.; Młynarczyk, G.; Luczak, M.; Jeljaszewicz, J.

Medycyna Doswiadczalna i Mikrobiologia 51(3-4): 207-212


ISSN/ISBN: 0025-8601
PMID: 10803249
Document Number: 511823
Strains showing a negative reaction in tube test for coagulase accounted 10 to 20% of all Staphylococcus aureus isolated from patients of PSK No. 1 in Warsaw. They are MRSA as well as MSSA strains. 37 coagulase-negative isolates of MRSA were examined using the method depending on digestion of whole cell DNA with SmaI enzyme and electrophoretic separation of the obtained fragments in the pulsed field (PFGE). It was shown that majority of the strains (26 from 37) had individual, unique patterns of bands. However, the two groups of strains were also observed showing a great similarity. The larger group contained 8 strains which were obtained from patients from different wards and the smaller group contained 3 strains obtained from patients from one hospital ward. The obtained results showed that among coagulase-negative MRSA strains are not only sporadic strains but also strains with probably epidemic properties, derived from different clones.

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