A comparative analysis of different approaches to identifying cardiovascular diseases in coal miners during medical selection

Sizonenko, L.N.; Cherkesov, V.V.

Likars'ka Sprava 1999(2): 130-135


ISSN/ISBN: 1019-5297
PMID: 10424067
Document Number: 508202
An expert evaluation of identifiability of cardiovascular diseases was carried out together with a clinical and functional examination of certain groups of miners of basic underground occupations at different ages and lengths of service, that showed a high incidence of cardiovascular diseases along with a low informative value of methodical approaches, indices and criteria used for their diagnosis in conducting preliminary and periodic health check-ups. To improve the quality of diagnosis of diseases of the circulatory system it is necessary that standardized methods of investigation should be employed together with consistent indices of high informative value as well as a purposive training of physicians.

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