Brainstem auditory evoked potentials among rubber factory workers

Tandon, O.P.; Gupta, P.; Bhargava, S.K.; Chaswal, M.

Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 43(2): 205-210


ISSN/ISBN: 0019-5499
PMID: 10365313
Document Number: 500034
The study was conducted on 27 rubber factory workers for the functional assessment of brainstem auditory pathway. Neurobehavioural questionnaire was administered to the workers and the personal sampler was used to evaluate the respirable particulate load inhaled per day of each worker along with qualitative analysis for PAH compounds. Evoked potential recording was carried out for brainstem auditory responses. Chest X-rays of workers exhibited varied abnormal features. Multiple regression analysis of data showed definite prolongation of latencies with increasing concentration of respirable particulate load though it was not statistically significant. Comparison with normative data indicated prolongation of latencies of rubber factory workers.

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