The efficacy of using physical factors in patients with generalized periodontitis at a sanatorium-preventorium

Samoĭlovych, V.A.

Likars'ka Sprava 1998(4): 127-130


ISSN/ISBN: 1019-5297
PMID: 9784727
Document Number: 495713
Kept under observation by the medical staff were 110 patients with mild or moderately severe generalized parodontitis in a sanatorium-preventorium setting. Depending on the severity of the process in the parodontium tissues the patients were given a differentiated treatment (mouth-baths with a chloridic-sodic mineral water, gum mud poultice applications, low frequency interference currents). Clinical, paraclinical, and laboratory methods were used to asses the studies results effectiveness. The greatest therapeutic benefit occurred in those patients who received a combined treatment with chloridic-sodic mineral water mouth-baths, gum mud poultice applications, and low frequency interference currents.

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