Characterization of epidemic foci of tuberculosis and improvement of the follow-up of children and adolescents from the environment of patients with tuberculosis
Kotova, L.I.; Fisher, I.I.; Mekhtiev, A.K.; Fedorov, L.P.
Problemy Tuberkuleza 4: 5-7
ISSN/ISBN: 0032-9533 PMID: 9771025 Document Number: 495254
Despite unfavorable socioepidemiological conditions, there are potentials of reducing tuberculosis morbidity in the epidemic foci of children and adolescents (by more than 3.5 times). For this, all the children and adolescents from the foci of infection should be thoroughly examined and followed up and educational and preventive measures including intensified antituberculosis propaganda should be made in these foci.