The relationships between the specialist in radiology, the competent physician, the licensed physician and the qualified expert

Coppola, V.

La Radiologia Medica 95(6): 635-638


ISSN/ISBN: 0033-8362
PMID: 9717548
Document Number: 491459
To define the juridical figures of the medical specialist (in radiodiagnostics, radiotherapy, nuclear medicine), of the qualified doctor, of the physician authorized to radioprotection controls, and of the qualified expert. To analyze the role of these professionals and their working integration in the light of the regulations in force. To review the regulations referrable to nonspecialist physicians in the activities with ionizing radiation risks. To stress how patient radioprotection remains one of the major concerns of the radiologist, not only with the precautions he/she must take directly but also with the radioprotection policy he/she must promote in the different application fields and with the other specialists. Only the specialist (in radiodiagnostics, radiotherapy, nuclear medicine) can practice the specific relevant profession. The physicians working in public institutions in radiodiagnostics, radiotherapy, or nuclear medicine departments without the relative specialization will have to acquire it by 2007, the deadline of a specific moratorium (not indemnity) measure. Also the other medical specialists and nonspecialists using ionizing radiations for complementary activities to clinics are responsible for the radioprotection measures they take; particularly, nonspecialists will be allowed to work only if they get the relative specialization diploma. The medical specialist can interact with the authorized physician at three different levels: as the object of the regulation, he/she being exposed for professional reasons; as the promoter of the radioprotection of patients and the general population; as the person in charge and thus the direct responsible, together with the head of department and the management for the application of the regulations. Thence the need of effective consulting and collaboration between the two professionals. The same should apply also in full for the qualified expert, who is responsible for the physical control of radioprotection. The medical specialists is both the subject and the object of radioprotection regulations. For optimal collaboration with the other two professionals and to make the needed protection effective for patients and the population (as well as for the involved workers), he/she must be qualified enough and have sufficient technical-professional training, as well as a radioprotection-oriented attitude. In this respect the Italian Society of Medical Radiology (Società Italiana di Radiologia Medica: SIRM) plays a fundamental role.

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