Effectiveness of intensive preoperative radiotherapy of locally- advanced breast tumors
Kanaev, S.V.; Semiglazov, V.F.; Tiuriaeva, E.I.; Sokolov, A.A.
Voprosy Onkologii 44(4): 436-439
ISSN/ISBN: 0507-3758 PMID: 9807208 Document Number: 490024
The investigation was concerned with the effectiveness of intensive preoperative radiotherapy (IPRT) in 423 patients with locally-advanced breast tumors (pT1-2N0M0) after radical surgery. No significant effect on overall or recurrence-free survival (pT1N0M0) was observed following IPRT as a component of combination and complex therapy. Overall and recurrence-free survival (pT2N0M0) was higher (p < 0.05) after IPRT in patients who did not receive chemo- or hormonal therapy. The results did not change significantly in the hT2N0M0 group when IPRT was combined with postoperative chemo- and hormonal therapy.