Clinical nutrition training in medical schools of Mexico
Arroyo, P.; Casanueva, E.; Kaufer-Horwitz, M.; Pérez-Lizaur, A.B.; Córdova-Villalobos, J.A.; Polo, E.
Revista de Investigacion Clinica; Organo del Hospital de Enfermedades de la Nutricion 50(6): 517-524
ISSN/ISBN: 0034-8376 PMID: 10070224 Document Number: 489502
To describe the efforts carried out to strengthen nutrition education in Mexican medical schools. Emphasis was placed on the status previous to the program implementation, the design of a new basic curriculum, and the description of the main program strategies implemented. a) Analysis of available medical curricula; b) Application of a questionnaire to the school deans; c) Assessment of knowledge of nutrition of advanced medical students; d) Design of a basic curriculum of clinical nutrition; e) Edition of a textbook; f) Design and implementation of program strategies to strengthen nutrition education. Clinical nutrition was not a topic included in most curricula analyzed and, when present, it was incorporated to related clinical subjects. Usually, emphasis was placed on basic topics of nutrition while clinical and applied subjects were considered less frequently. Lack of a specialized faculty and weakness of teaching infrastructure were some problems identified. A basic curriculum adaptable to different contexts was designed, and a textbook on clinical nutrition was edited and published. Training and formation of nutrition specialists were among the key programs implemented.