Concomitant caudate lobe resection as an option for donor hepatectomy in adult living related liver transplantation
Miyagawa, S.; Hashikura, Y.; Miwa, S.; Ikegami, T.; Urata, K.; Terada, M.; Kubota, T.; Nakata, T.; Kawasaki, S.
Transplantation 66(5): 661-663
ISSN/ISBN: 0041-1337 PMID: 9753351 Document Number: 488841
In this article, we describe a successful adult living related partial liver transplantation (LRLT) using the left lobe with the left-side caudate lobe (the Spiegel lobe and the left side of the paracaval portion). The size of the donor's left lobe was 29% of the recipient's standard liver volume and did not seem to meet our criteria for adult-to-adult LRLT. However, the donor had a thick left-side caudate lobe. The estimated volume of the left lobe with the left-side caudate lobe was 32%, which met our criteria for the adult recipient. The recipient's CT scan on day 87 after transplantation showed the preserved blood flow and no biliary congestion in the left-side caudate lobe, which suggests maintenance of lobe function. This procedure may be an option for adult-to-adult LRLT in which the donor has a thick left-side caudate lobe.