Related living donor for liver transplantation in children: results and impact
De Ville de Goyet, J.; Reding, R.; Sokal, E.; Otte, J.B.
Chirurgie; Memoires de l'Academie de Chirurgie 122(2): 83-87
ISSN/ISBN: 0001-4001 PMID: 9238797 Document Number: 480220
Encouraging results of alternative techniques used for liver transplantation in children (liver reduction) and the persistent lack of a sufficient number of cadaver donors has favored the development of living related donor liver transplantation. This program, which began after a long preparative period concerning the ethical questions involved, has included 32 children during the first 30 months. Results have been excellent. All children who underwent elective transplantations (n = 18) are still living. Among the 14 patients whose condition required hospitalization before transplantation, 86% have survived. Vascular complications and graft loss due to primary dysfunction or chronic rejection have been reduced, but 22% of the patients have biliary stenosis. In the donors, there has been no severe complication or sequelae. Use of related living donor livers has increased the number of grafts available for children on the waiting list for cadaver livers. The resulting gain in waiting time has also reduced the risk of death before transplantation. In our experience, the combination of the two transplantation programs using living donors and cadaver livers has had a positive impact on global management of children referred for liver transplantation, whatever the option chosen by the parents.