Clinical effect of tianma-cuzhi granules on senile vascular dementia

Du, G.; Chen, K.; Zhou, W.; Zhao, Y.; Wang, X.; Cui, H.; Zhu, X.; Liu, X.

Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi 23(11): 695-698 Inside Back Cover


ISSN/ISBN: 1001-5302
PMID: 11599353
Document Number: 487953
To assess the clinical efficacy of Tianma-cuzhi Granules (TMC) in treating senile vascular dementia(VaD) of the "sthenia of liver-yang" type. TMC were given to thirty VaD patients three times a day of 0.5 g/bageach. The treatment course was one month and the patients finished two consecutive courses. TMC could markedly increase the mini-mental state examination (MMSE) and Hamilton depression scale(HDS) marks of VaD patients, and also contribute to improving certain indexes especially in abnormal cases. TMC have certain effects on senile VaD.

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