Sociomedical aspects of detection and treatment of patients with tuberculosis under present conditions

Punga, V.V.; Khomenko, A.G.; Stoiunin, M.B.; Danilova, I.D.; Kovaleva, S.I.; Zhukova, M.P.; Khudushina, T.A.; Rybka, L.N.; Alekseeva, L.P.; Starikov, A.N.; Grishina, T.A.

Problemy Tuberkuleza 1997(6): 15-17


ISSN/ISBN: 0032-9533
PMID: 9503922
Document Number: 483940
By analyzing the present-day tuberculosis epidemiological situation in the country and sociomedical characteristics of new cases, the authors present methods for detecting and treating patients, which are of paramount importance for today. Of the most significance is the need to promptly identify patients with strains on their referral to the general somatic hospitals for complaints by using 3-multiple sputum bacterioscopy for Mycobacterium tuberculosis by the Ziehl-Neelsen method. The vital problem is also to change chemotherapeutical regimens as more severe progressive types of the disease require more active treatment in the first months after detection especially in the cohort of socially disadapted persons.

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