Comparative evaluation of visual function computer examining methods for early diagnosis of glaucoma

Listopadova, N.A.; Khadikova 'EV

Vestnik Oftalmologii 113(5): 5-8


ISSN/ISBN: 0042-465X
PMID: 9508753
Document Number: 479414
Computer methods for examining the visual functions are compared: computer-aided campymetry from the time of the sensorimotor reaction, computer-aided color campymetry, visocontrastometry, and threshold static perimetry (program 24-2) with Humphrey's visual field analyzer. These methods were used in examinations of 65 patients (105 eyes) with primary open-angle glaucoma at various stages of the disease. A complex of sufficiently sensitive psychophysical methods for examination of the visual functions has been defined, including computer-aided campymetry and visocontrastometry, which may be used for early diagnosis of glaucoma.

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