Stent implantation in genuine coronary vessels--with and without guidance of intracoronary ultrasound

Thuesen, L.; Sonne, H.S.; Kristensen, B.

Ugeskrift for Laeger 159(11): 1597-1601


ISSN/ISBN: 0041-5782
PMID: 9092141
Document Number: 478564
The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the clinical and angiographic results of implantation of stents in the native coronary circulation. In group A (n: 33) implantation was assessed by angiography, in group B (n: 17) also by ICUS. There were no procedure related deaths, transmural myocardial infarctions or acute coronary by-pass operations (CABG). The diameter of stenosis before treatment was 86% and 82% in group A and B, respectively. In both groups an overdilatation was seen following stent implantation, 5% in group A versus 22% in group B (p < 0.01). At four months follow-up 80% in group A and 81% in group B were symptom-free or improved (NS). Angiographic restenosis (> or = 50% reduction of vessel diameter) was found in 10.3% in group A versus 20.0% in group B (NS). Our results are in accordance with other coronary stent studies showing reduced acute coronary occlusion and CABG incidence and a low restenosis rate as compared to conventional balloon angioplasty. The role of ICUS in the implantation of intracoronary stents remains unsettled.

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