Rifampicin toxicity in HIV-infected patients: a study of its incidence and the risk factors
Gort, A.; Falguera, M.; Schoenenberger, J.A.
Anales de Medicina Interna 14(11): 559-564
ISSN/ISBN: 0212-7199 PMID: 9445581 Document Number: 478155
Evaluate the effect of HIV infection in the appearance of toxicity in patients treated with rifampin, analysing the involved elements in its genesis. We realized a comparative study of the epidemiologic and clinical characteristics, and the incidence of adverse reactions to rifampin (between 1986-1993), comparing the seropositive patients treated with rifampin, during more than 3 months, with one control group, of equal number of patients, without evidence of HIV infection, taken at random, with epidemiologic characteristics (age and sex) similar to the first group and also treated with rifampin during a similar period. In the group with HIV infection, we analysed the related epidemiologic, clinical and analytic characteristics, in a way statistically significative, with the appearance of toxicity to rifampin. The risk of toxicity to rifampin was associated significantly to HIV infection (p < 0.01), without finding any other distinguishing characteristics among the analysed groups. Indicative parameters of advanced HIV infection: advanced clinical stage, minor level of lymphocytes CD4+, total leukocytes, total lymphocytes and quotient CD4+/CD8+, also high levels of beta 2-microglobulinemia and [correction of 2-microglobulina e] IgA, and a negative protein purified derivative test (PPD) were found statistically related with the appearance to toxicity to rifampin. Patients with number of lymphocytes CD4+ between 20-50/mm3, showed a major predisposition of suffering toxicity to rifampin. HIV infection involved a notably increase of toxicity risk to rifampin. Clinical or analytic parameters associated with advanced illness conditioned an increase of this risk, essentially among patients with number of CD4+ between 20-50/mm.