The use of prostaglandin E2 for cervical ripening in patients requiring induction of labour

Caruso, A.; De Santis, L.; Carducci, B.; Ferrazzani, S.; De Carolis, S.; Mancuso, S.

Journal of International Medical Research 25(3): 159-166


ISSN/ISBN: 0300-0605
PMID: 9178148
Document Number: 472158
A total of 290 women who required induction of labour for medical or obstetric reasons were given single or multiple doses of prostaglandin E-2 gel (0.5 mg) to induce cervical ripening. Onset of labour occurred in 185 (63.8%) of the women treated with the gel, without any further treatment. The overall Caesarean section rate was 27.2% (79/290) and was significantly higher among those with an initially low Bishop score than in those with a higher initial score (34.7% versus 22.1%; P = 0.025). Prostaglandin E-2 gel appears to be of considerable clinical benefit, especially where no other options are available except Caesarean section or a very long, difficult labour that may result in significant fetal distress.

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