Peritoneal ultrafiltration and refractory congestive heart failure
Ryckelynck, J.P.; Lobbedez, T.; Valette, B.; Le Goff, C.; Mazouz, O.; Levaltier, B.; Potier, J.C.; Hurault de Ligny, B.
Advances in Peritoneal Dialysis. Conference on Peritoneal Dialysis 13: 93-97
ISSN/ISBN: 1197-8554 PMID: 9360658 Document Number: 472107
This prospective nonrandomized study enrolled 16 patients with congestive heart failure [NYHA (New York Heart Association) III and IV] refractory to a maximal well-tolerated drug therapy. The aims were to evaluate if peritoneal ultrafiltration (PUF) could improve clinical conditions and to determine morbidity secondary to resistant congestive heart failure (RCHF) and PUF. There were 16 patients (12 male, 4 female) with a mean age of 65.4 years (56-81 years) and follow-up of 15.6 months (4-33 months). Thirteen patients had RCHF without end-stage renal disease. Patients were classified as NYHA class IV (n = 11) or class III (n = 5). One anuric patient had been on previous hemodialysis and switched to APD. PUF was obtained with a 2-L hypertonic dialysis solution, once a day (n = 7) or every 2 days (n = 4). Clinical improvement was obtained for all the patients. Weight decreased from 72.2 to 66.7 kg with a weekly ultrafiltration of 3.74 L (2.2-6.5 L). Sodium removal was 79 mmol/day (urinary 43%, peritoneal transport 57%). During the follow-up period, 2 patients received a cardiac transplant since 7 died due to cardiac reasons. Mean hospitalization time was 4.4 and 1.20 per patient per day before and after PUF, respectively. Hospitalization was in keeping with either RCHF (36%), dialysis complications (16%), or miscellaneous causes (48%). Our experience showed that a functional improvement and a better quality of life were achieved for all these patients with a low rate of hospitalization.