Anorectal diseases in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection
Rius, J.; Nogueras, J.J.
Revista de Gastroenterologia de Mexico 61(2): 139-146
ISSN/ISBN: 0375-0906 PMID: 8927918 Document Number: 466567
The incidence of VIH-related disease has arisen dramatically in the last decade. Many of these patients will present with specific anorectal complaints. This review paper was performed to discuss the diagnostic and therapeutic implications of anorectal diseases in patients with VIH infection. A detailed sexual history is important in order to document the mode of transmission. The nature of the anorectal complaint is then evaluated and classified as infectious, neoplastic or idiopathic. Treatment should be planned accordingly. In the 1990's it's important that the physician who cares for patients with anorectal complaints be familiar with VIH-related diseases and their treatment plans.
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