A surgically treated case of ruptured true aortic arch aneurysm in association with Stanford type A chronic dissection
Takagi, H.; Hirose, H.; Matsumoto, K.; Fuwa, S.; Murakawa, S.; Mori, Y.; Sasaki, E.; Kubo, K.; Kumada, Y.; Furuzawa, Y.; Matsuo, H.; Kachi, H.
Kyobu Geka. Japanese Journal of Thoracic Surgery 49(3): 239-242
ISSN/ISBN: 0021-5252 PMID: 8709434 Document Number: 466093
A 72-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital because of hemosputum. Enhanced CT showed ruptured true aortic arch aneurysm. True aortic arch aneurysm ruptured at distal portion of aneurysm. The aorta was chronically dissected from an entry proximal to ruptured portion, to ascending aorta. Ascending aorta to aortic arch was replaced with 20 mm gelatin sealed graft under selective cerebral perfusion with hypothermia. Post-operatively tracheostomy was done because of respiratory failure, and there was some leak from distal anastomosis portion which was 42 mm in diameter at the operation. So replacement of descending thoracic aorta was performed using elephant trunk of the previously replaced graft. Post-reoperative course has been uneventful. She weaned from respiratory support. True aortic arch aneurysm combined with Stanford type A dissection is very rare. We presented ruptured true aortic arch aneurysm in association with Stanford type A chronic dissection which had an entry in true aneurysm.