Current developments in composite materials and techniques

Dietschi, D.; Dietschi, J.M.

Practical Periodontics and Aesthetic Dentistry Ppad 8(7): 603


ISSN/ISBN: 1042-2722
PMID: 9242136
Document Number: 461085
General reduction of dental caries and patient interest in dental aesthetics have resulted in the development of new restorative materials and techniques. Composite materials and adhesive techniques have become the foundation of modern restorative dentistry. Mechanical performance, wear resistance, and aesthetic potential of composite resins have been significantly improved, and the material is now used in cases ranging from the restoration of initial decays and cosmetic corrections to the veneering in extended prosthetic rehabilitation. Polymerization shrinkage of the resin matrix remains a challenge and still imposes limitations in the application of direct techniques. The learning objective of this article is to review the most significant advances of composite materials and the importance of utilizing the available treatment options with discretion, selecting those which preserve the tooth structure and require the least maintenance.

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