The optimization of the duration of the sanatorium-health resort treatment of patients with neurological manifestations of spinal osteochondrosis (I)
Levitskiĭ, E.F.; Shustov, L.P.; Kapilevich, L.V.; Zaĭtsev, A.A.; Abdulkina, N.G.
Voprosy Kurortologii Fizioterapii i Lechebnoi Fizicheskoi Kultury 5: 26-28
ISSN/ISBN: 0042-8787 PMID: 9036662 Document Number: 460329
Short-term mud therapy (10 daily peat applications) has been performed in patients with neurological symptoms of spinal osteochondrosis. Such short-term courses are indicated in the absence of exacerbation of the basic and associated diseases under domination of the radicular and reflex syndromes. High efficacy and good tolerance of the treatment are confirmed by vertebroneurological investigations and functional diagnostic tests.