The effect of long term erythropoietin treatment on levels of free amino acids in patients with long term hemodialysis

Boratyńska, M.; Boratyński, J.; Magott, M.; Szewczyk, Z.

Przeglad Lekarski 53(5): 398-401


ISSN/ISBN: 0033-2240
PMID: 8754400
Document Number: 459960
In order to assess the effect of erythropoietin (Epo) treatment on amino acids profile in hemodialysis patients (HD pts) 2 groups of pts were analyzed: I-12 pts HD for 146 +/- 71 months, Epo treated for 64 +/- 10 months, II-17 pts HD for 120 +/- 39 months, non Epo treated, mean Hb 11.5 +/- 1.2 g/dl. Controls consisted of 11 healthy individuals. Amino acids were estimated by HPLC OPA method. In group I blood levels of leucine (p < 0.03), valine (p < 0.002) were decreased and alanine (p < 0.05) was increased when compared to controls. In this group, blood levels of methionine, tyrosine and asparagine were elevated (p < 0.04) when compared to group II but they were lower (about 30%) then in controls. In group II pts showed reduced levels of valine (p < 0.008), leucine (p < 0.001), methionine (p < 0.0001), tyrosine (p < 0.003), asparagine (p < 0.04), whereas serine, glutamate and alanine (p < 0.04) were increased when compared to controls. Essential to nonessential amino acids ratios in group I, II and controls were as follows: 0.17; 0.12; 0.49 respectively. There were not substantial differences in amino acids in pts with elevated or normal PTH level in both HD groups. Long term EPO treatment only partially corrected changes in amino acids levels in pts with chronic renal failure.

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