External canthopexy using the Edgerton-Montandon procedure in lagophthalmos of leprosy patients. Technique and indications. Apropos of 30 cases

Grauwin, M.Y.; Saboye, J.; Cartel, J.L.

Annales de Chirurgie Plastique et Esthetique 41(4): 332-337


ISSN/ISBN: 0294-1260
PMID: 9183881
Document Number: 458785
This paper deals with the results observed in 21 ancient leprosy patients suffering from lagophthalmos (13 of whom suffered from bilateral lagophthalmos) and treated by the Edgerton-Montandon surgical procedure which associates lateral canthopexy and tarsorraphy. Eighteen of the 21 treated patients were reviewed at one month after the procedure and, overall, results could be evaluated for 30 eyes. Improvement was noted in all of the 30 eyes and, globally, the residual palpebral fissure (during voluntary closing of the eyes by the patient) decreased from 6.7 mm before the procedure to 1.8 after the procedure. The following recommendations may be proposed. For young patients with intact corneal sensation, the Gillies procedure remains the procedure of choice to correct lagophthalmos. For older patients with corneal anesthesia, at high risk of blindness, the Edgerton-Montandon procedure should be recommended.

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