State of accommodation depending on age of emmetropic and hypermetropic subjects engaged in diamond sorting
Feĭgin, A.A.; Korniushina, T.A.
Vestnik Oftalmologii 111(1): 20-23
ISSN/ISBN: 0042-465X PMID: 7771037 Document Number: 453492
Accommodation was studied in 449 diamond sorters aged 17 to 51 engaged in this work for 1 to 34 years with emmetropic and hypermetropic refraction. Questionnaires helped detect subjects who had no complaints of vision (group A) and those with asthenopia complaints (group B). In both groups, in emmetropic and hypermetropic subjects, the furthest point of clear vision was converging the eye by 1.96 +/- 0.04 diopters on an average, that is, there was pseudomyopia. In hypermetropic subjects with occupational ophthalmopathy the nearest point is withdrawn starting from the age of 31-35 till it merges with the furthest point in subjects over 45, that is, the accommodation volume becomes nearly nuel. The results of this study contradict the assumption existing in ophthalmology about an earlier onset of presbyopia in hypermetropia than in other types of refraction. Early correction of near vision is connected with superimposition of accommodation deterioration in ametropia. It is recommended to carry out rehabilitative measure as soon as the first asthenopia signs manifest; these measures should be aimed at weakening of refraction by the site of the furthest clear vision point. In subjects aged 31-35 with occupational ophthalmopathy refraction by the nearest clear vision point should be enhanced if possible.