Desmopressin in the treatment of hemorrhagic diathesis
Haar, D.; Hasselbalch, H.C.
Ugeskrift for Laeger 157(48): 6713-6715
ISSN/ISBN: 0041-5782 PMID: 8540136 Document Number: 453425
Over the past several years, the use of 1-deamino-8-D-arginine vasopressin (DDAVP), a synthetic analogue of vasopressin, has been found to be useful in the treatment of patients with abnormal bleeding tendency. This article is a review of inherited and acquired disorders with prolonged bleeding time in which DDAVP is supposed to shorten the bleeding time. DDAVP is established as effective therapy of the abnormal haemostasis in mild or moderate haemophilia A and von Willebrand's disease. Frequently, DDAVP infusions are used to control bleeding in patients with uraemia. Bleeding time is also significantly shortened in patients with liver cirrhosis, although randomized trials of DDAVP therapy of gastrointestinal bleeding in this group of patients are still needed. Shortening or normalization of the bleeding time with DDAVP has also been observed in patients with inherited platelet dysfunctions, acquired disorders of haemostasis and abnormal haemostasis in chronic myeloproliferative diseases. In addition, preoperative treatment with DDAVP seems to reduce blood loss during surgery.