Plasma glycosaminoglycans in the pathogenesis of congenital hemorrhagic diathesis

Katsadze, I.L.; Beliazo, O.E.; Fedorova, Z.D.

Gematologiia i Transfuziologiia 33(11): 3-8


ISSN/ISBN: 0234-5730
PMID: 3266162
Document Number: 326139
The biochemical assay of heparin and other plasma glycosaminoglycans, as well as the study of thrombocytic and plasma hemostasis in 90 patients with varying types of coagulopathy have shown that elevation of heparin and other plasma glycosaminoglycan levels correlates with disorders in ADP- and ristocetin-induced platelet aggregation, their adhesion to glass fiber, with decreased factor VIII activity and other disorders in phase 1 of hemostasis, as well as with increased activity of antithrombin III. The data obtained have evidenced that plasma glycosaminoglycans play the ethiopathogentic role in the development of hemorrhagic diathesis.

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