Follow-up after radical prostatectomy in prostatic cancer. CT: normal findings

Pivetta, G.; Cavagna, E.; Della Rovere, V.; D'Antonio, G.; Costa, G.; Mazzonetto, M.

La Radiologia Medica 89(3): 278-281


ISSN/ISBN: 0033-8362
PMID: 7754121
Document Number: 445808
We retrospectively reviewed the CT findings of 18 patients submitted to radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer. CT follow-up studies showed the bladder base in retropubic location in all 18 patients. Two patients had local recurrences, while no evidence of local recurrence was found in 16 patients. The following CT findings were observed in the latter group: a) bladder to rectum adhesion in 2 cases (13%); b) a complete transverse bar of soft tissue density between bladder and rectum in 9 cases (57%); c) an incomplete rectovesical bar in 6 cases (40%). The transverse bar was already apparent on the first pelvic CT scan performed within two weeks in 3 cases for surgical complications. In two local recurrences some dense tissue was demonstrated distorting rectovesical lateral triangle fat. To conclude, since a complete or incomplete horizontal bar of soft tissue structures is usually depicted in the rectovesical space, these structures should not be misdiagnosed as local tumor recurrences.

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