Experimental porphyria
Tanaka, K.; Yoshida, H.; Irifune, H.
Nihon Rinsho. Japanese Journal of Clinical Medicine 53(6): 1507-1512
ISSN/ISBN: 0047-1852 PMID: 7616670 Document Number: 443893
There are many chemicals that affect porphyrin metabolism. Certain of these can be used to induce experimental porphyria in animal. Human porphyrias are relatively uncommon, thus preventing their adequate examination in human patients. But using experimental animals, the pathogenesis, biochemical pathways and treatment of these diseases may be studied. In this paper, we conducted our own investigations on griseofulvin induced protoporphyria, and also reviewed experimental porphyrias induced by hexachlorobenzen and polychlorinated biphenyls.