Acute intermittent porphyria versus porphyria variegata: a diagnostic uncertainty

Betancor León, P.; García Ruiz, F.; Font de Mora Turón, A.; López Martínez, J.; Schüller Pérez, A.

Medicina Clinica 74(2): 61-64


ISSN/ISBN: 0025-7753
PMID: 7366267
Document Number: 163253
The article reports on the case of a 27 year old woman on oral contraceptives who developed abdominal pain, bilateral radial paralysis, and neuropsychic disorders, the classic symptoms of acute, intermittent porphyria. Complete laboratory analyses and tests revealed a pattern of disease similar but not equal to that of porphyria variegata; also, the endocrin and metabolic disorders were not those common in porphyria variegata. Both types of porphyria are very infrequent cases in Spain; the problem of diagnosis, and of the possible influence of oral contraceptives are discussed.

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