Palpatory diagnosis and manipulative management of carpal tunnel syndrome: Part 2. 'Double crush' and thoracic outlet syndrome

Sucher, B.M.

Journal of the American Osteopathic Association 95(8): 471-479


ISSN/ISBN: 0098-6151
PMID: 7673008
Document Number: 440495
The physician treating carpal tunnel syndrome needs to be aware of the possible concomitant occurrence of thoracic outlet syndrome, the so-called double crush syndrome. Palpation is used to differentiate carpal tunnel syndrome from thoracic outlet syndrome. Such palpatory examination assists the physician in planning the initial treatment, including osteopathic manipulation and self-stretching maneuvers, targeted specifically at the most clinically significant pathologic region. Supplemental physical medicine modalities such as ultrasound may enhance the treatment response. Some illustrative cases are reported.

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