Planificacion de recursos para la modernizacion de los sistemas arroceros mediante el empleo de modelos de simulacion y SIG
Rodriguez, J.A.; Lopez, G.
Investigacion Agraria Produccion y Proteccion Vegetales 15(3): 181-194
Document Number: 437415
In this paper two surface irrigation simulation models and a Geographic Information System (GIS) were integrated in order to obtain the resources required for modernising the irrigation and drainage systems in a case study: The Nueva Paz rice seed production farm at Havana. GIS technology was used to obtain maps of the soil, the maximum land slope, and dynamic level, discharge and fuel consumption of the wells in the farm. These maps were used to determine the design and operation parameters of the rice basin. The interaction between GIS and the design procedure produced thematic maps of the design variables, as well as of the water, energetic and operation resources required for remodelling the farm irrigation and drainage systems.