Current management of complete and partial molar pregnancy
Goldstein, D.P.; Berkowitz, R.S.
Journal of Reproductive Medicine 39(3): 139-146
ISSN/ISBN: 0024-7758 PMID: 8035368 Document Number: 436240
Molar pregnancy is composed of two separate entities, partial (PHM) and complete (CHM), which are distinct in terms of epidemiology, genetics, histopathology, clinical presentation and risk of persistent gestational trophoblastic tumor (GTT). The most common presenting symptom in patients with CHM is vaginal bleeding. Approximately half the patients with CHM show signs of exuberant trophoblastic growth, with uterine enlargement and high levels of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). In contrast, patients with PHM usually present as though they have an incomplete or missed abortion, with bleeding, small uteri and low hCG levels. Cytogenetically, all chromosomal material in CHM is derived from the male. Hence, no fetal parts are identified. In PHM, dispermy results in a triploid conceptus, in which an abnormal fetus is present and ultimately dies. The diagnosis of CHM is usually confirmed by sonography when a vesicular pattern is noted. The ultrasound pattern in PHM is less consistent and depends on careful measurement of the gestational sac. Patients with CHM with marked trophoblastic hyperplasia, elevated hCG levels and enlarged uteri can develop significant medical complications, which should be recognized early and treated aggressively. These include acute respiratory distress syndrome, hyperthyroidism, preeclampsia and theca lutein cysts. All molar pregnancies should be evacuated promptly following a definitive diagnosis. If the patient no longer wishes to preserve her fertility, a hysterectomy will reduce the risk of developing nonmetastatic GTT. Following evacuation, careful hCG monitoring is mandatory since it is the most reliable and sensitive method for the early detection of GTT. In carefully selected patients in whom the risk of developing GTT is significant or when the availability of hCG testing is suboptimal, chemoprophylaxis has been shown to decrease the risk of GTT.