Dental status of 14-18-year old secondary school students in Budapest (VIII. District) in 1991. (Implications of a dental-sociological study)

Boross, E.; Solymosi, G.; Gyurkovics, C.; Molnár, L.

Fogorvosi Szemle 87(1): 3-12


ISSN/ISBN: 0015-5314
PMID: 8143884
Document Number: 434094
In this dento-sociological examination the dental status of 1623 secondary-school-students living in the capital of Hungary, was found better than that of the same-aged students examined previously. The number of decayed teeth was higher than the number of filled teeth. The average level of oral hygiene was found between "good" and "middle" levels. Among the three types of secondary schools the best oral hygiene status was found in the secondary grammar school.

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