Trial for assessment of values: normal, threatening, and pathologic parameters of acid-base equilibrium in umbilical vessel blood and capillary blood in newborns
Grudzińska, M.; Lachowicz, L.; Laudański, T.
Ginekologia Polska 65(8): 417-425
ISSN/ISBN: 0017-0011 PMID: 7721148 Document Number: 432278
A prospective study in 33 newborns infants born spontaneously at term was carried out. First stage labour duration was up to 10 hours while the second one was no longer than 60 minutes. The key criterion for newborns selection from physiological deliveries was a normal heart rate baseline throughout the whole period of labour. Acid-base parameters in umbilical blood vessels and capillary blood were performed on an Blood Analyzer Corning 168. The results allowed to define normal and pathological ranges of the analysed indicators. They may be used for evaluation of newborn's postnatal conditions.