The framework Prospective Payment Information Systems: bias, sources of errors and consequences
Dussaucy, A.; Viel, J.F.; Mulin, B.; Euvrard, J.
Revue d'Epidemiologie et de Sante Publique 42(4): 345-358
ISSN/ISBN: 0398-7620 PMID: 8085051 Document Number: 429752
This paper reviews: 1) the biases linked to the definition method of the Diagnosis Related Groups (DRG), and the biases due to the implicit hospital model of the French programme medicalizing hospital information system (PMSI) which limit its use in hospital management; 2) the sources of errors met in use in the different kinds of data networks when collecting administrative data from medical discharge abstracts, which can induce mistakes in patient hospitalization counts and in the representation of medical units contribution to patients care; 3) the sources of errors in collecting medical informations from medical discharge abstracts can make the patient hospitalizations classified in DRG unrepresentative or uninterpretable; 4) the problems linked to the interpretation of the indicators estimated from the DRGs in hospital management and financial allocation.