Sources of errors and pitfalls in tuberculosis diagnosis
Amacher, A.; Rutishauser, M.
Pneumologie 44(10): 1211-1212
ISSN/ISBN: 0934-8387 PMID: 2281072 Document Number: 357606
Three cases of tuberculosis infection are presented (spondylitis, meningitis, pericarditis). Pitfalls and blunders delaying tuberculosis diagnosis are reported. The authors emphasize that: Children at risk have to be vaccinated with BCG (1.1). Health professionals must repeatedly be taught in the interpretation of tuberculin test results and chest X-rays. Tuberculous meningitis may be hidden by the presentation of only encephalitis symptoms and liquor analysis reveals an atypical result (3). Spontaneous resolution of the symptoms or an improvement under non-tuberculostatic therapy does not exclude tuberculosis. In fact encephalitic signs may improve or disappear spontaneously despite subsequent positive liquor culture (4).