Ulcerative colitis and pregnancy

Lapińska, J.; Paradowski, L.; Woldan, J.; Sozański, L.; Ujec, M.; Lubczyńska-Kowalska, W.

Wiadomosci Lekarskie 47(1-2): 53-58


ISSN/ISBN: 0043-5147
PMID: 8030350
Document Number: 428436
On the basis of literature and on the grounds of their own experience the authors presented their opinions on the coexistence of colitis ulcerosa (c.u.) and pregnancy. It was stressed that colitis ulcerosa does not decrease fertility in women whereas the taking of salazosulfapyridine diminishes fertility in men. Pregnancy should be planned during the remission period. Successive pregnancies in the same patient with coexistent c.u. should be taken individually. Classic pharmacotherapy end endoscopic diagnostics are not contraindicated in pregnancy. Past operation (e.g. partial or total colectomy) do not decrease chances of giving birth to a child. There is no evidence that artificial abortion exerts a favourable influence on the course of colitis ulcerosa. Cesarean section should be performed of obstetrical indications only. In addition, the authors emphasize the necessity of a strict monitoring of c.u. in the first trimester of pregnancy and during puerperium, as well as of a rigorous gynecological supervision in the third trimester of pregnancy.

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