Rationale for the maximum permissible concentration of porophor P-18-S in the air of work place

Kashmanova, G.N.; Zenina, G.A.; Vinogradov, S.I.; Komiagina, E.N.

Gigiena i Sanitariia 7: 47-48


ISSN/ISBN: 0016-9900
PMID: 8224986
Document Number: 422514
Porophor P-18-S LD50 is 712.5 mg/kg. This substance is not characterized by cumulative or irritating properties. It has an expressed neurotropic and allergenic effects, can induce anemia and leukocytosis in animals. Work with this substance is allowed on condition of eye and respiratory route protection. Its MAC for working environment is 3.08 mg/m3.

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