Hypoproteinemia in patients with paracoccidioidomycosis of the digestive tract and the abdominal lymphatic system. Review of autopsy cases and report of a case with protein losing enteropathy

de Andrade, D.R.; Hutzler, R.U.; de Carvalho, S.A.; Rosenthal, C.; de Carvalho, M.A.; Ferreira, J.M.

Revista do Hospital das Clinicas 31(3): 174-179


ISSN/ISBN: 0041-8781
PMID: 935719
Document Number: 4216
Ten patients with a lymphatic form of paracoccidioidomycosis were studied, of whom nine cases of necropsy were grouped because of the common characteristics of hypoproteinemia with ascites or edema, without evidences of protein loss in the urine. Patient number 10 is reported in detail because of the investigation to which he was submitted during the stay at the hospital because of loss of digestive protein. This mechanism is rarely taken into consideration to explain the low levels of serum protein encountered in these patients. The authors emphasize the importance of the loss of digestive protein and the peculiarities of the clinical manifestations, comparing these elements with the prototype of the group, intestinal lymphangiectasia.

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Hypoproteinemia in patients with paracoccidioidomycosis of the digestive tract and the abdominal lymphatic system. Review of autopsy cases and report of a case with protein losing enteropathy