Some factors affecting the demand for hired labour: a case study of the semi-mechanized farm settlements at Ogbomoso and Ilora, Oyo State, Nigeria

Akinola, A.A.

Nigerian Journal of Rural Development and Cooperative Studies 1(2): 26-40


Document Number: 421440
A quantitative analysis was used to examine the factors affecting the demand for hired labour among farm settlers growing maize in Oyo State of Nigeria, according to different farm operations. Labour cost, three empirical measures of expected maize prices, 'other inputs' cost, farm size, cost of hiring machine service and unpaid family labour were variables included in the model. A total of 119 farm settlers were interviewed during the 1977 maize production. The results showed that the specified variables accounted for more than 50% in the variation in quantity of labour hired for different farm operations as well as the combined operation among the settlers. Labour costs coefficient had an unexpected significance in planting operation, whilst of the three empirical measures of expected maize producer prices tested, the subjective expected price during the next harvest showed the best result and was therefore retained in the model.

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