Diagnosis and surgical treatment of benign tumors of the lungs
Ismailov, D.A.; Shishkin, M.A.; Islambekov, E.S.; Igamberdyev, K.N.
Khirurgiia 12: 29-31
ISSN/ISBN: 0023-1207 PMID: 8158945 Document Number: 421368
Benign tumors of the lungs may be treated only by operation. Operative treatment may be rejected in patients with tumors measuring less than 2 cm in diameter and absence of clinical signs of their growth. In central benign lung tumors, preference must be given to organ-preserving operations: bronchotomy with adenomectomy, resection of the bronchus together with the involved part and subsequent plastics. In peripheral tumors their enucleation of economical resection is advisable. The most promising method is precision laser removal of benign lung tumors providing reliable aero- and hemostasis.