The relationship among work-family conflict and enhancement, organizational work-family culture, and work outcomes for older working women

Gordon, J.R.; Whelan-Berry, K.S.; Hamilton, E.A.

Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 12(4): 350-364


ISSN/ISBN: 1076-8998
PMID: 17953494
DOI: 10.1037/1076-8998.12.4.350
Document Number: 420122
This article examines the relationship among work-family conflict and enhancement, organizational work-family culture, and four work outcomes for 489 working women over the age of 50. Survey results from two U.S. health care organizations and one U.S. financial services organization indicate that older working women experience differing amounts of work-to-family conflict, family-to-work conflict, work-to-family enhancement, and family-to-work enhancement. Hypotheses relating organizational work-family culture to work-family conflict and enhancement were partially supported, and hypotheses relating conflict and enhancement to four work outcomes were partially supported. Work-to-family conflict and work-to-family enhancement partially mediate the relationship between organizational work-family culture and selected work outcomes. Implications for theory and practice, limitations of this study, and directions for future research are also presented.

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