The use of sodium nitroprusside aerosols combined with ultrasound in the combined treatment of patients with ischemic heart disease and heart failure
Rozdil'skaia, O.N.; Kaduk, I.G.; Biazrova, V.V.
Likars'ka Sprava 4: 97-100
ISSN/ISBN: 1019-5297 PMID: 8209464 Document Number: 420053
Use of sodium nitroprusside aerosol in association with ultrasound in 51 patients with IHD plus cardiac failure (stage I-IIA) allowed to reduce the dosage and side-effects of drugs as compared with a group of patients by routine complex methods. The method may be used for treatment and prophylaxis of initial stages of cardiac failure in IHD patients including those with contraindications to cardiac glycosides.
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