Factors associated with family planning acceptance in Bangkok metropolis health clinic areas (MHCs)

Chumnijarakij, T.; Grossman, R.A.; Onthuam, Y.; Debavalya, N.

Contraception 23(5): 517-525


ISSN/ISBN: 0010-7824
PMID: 7285575
DOI: 10.1016/0010-7824(81)90079-2
Document Number: 417753
To study contraceptive use in Bangkok, 6,809 eligible women were interviewed in a community survey of 5 Metropolis areas. 34.7% were current users of interval contraception and the pill was the most common method. 29.9% were not currently in need of family planning. 18.3% of women were not using contraception, but only 6.2% were in need of family planning (FP) and not currently practising contraception. Non-acceptors who were in need of FP, had a lower educational level; 13.4% did not know about contraception but 52.4% previously used contraception. The most common reason for not currently practising FP was fears about contraceptive safety (37.5%). The prevalence of pregnancy in the community was 10.4%. The fact that only 6.2% of women were not practising FP and were in need of contraception suggests that the services in Bangkok are adequate to meet the needs of most women. However, the subgroup of non-acceptors in need of FP who were from a low socio-economic group require special motivation and services. 1,835 women attending Metropolis Health Centres in the same areas were interviewed to determine their choice of contraception; 57.4% chose the pill.

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