Does the patient obtain close contact with the hospital physician when a physician/nurse team is established?
Brauer, C.; Richter, S.; Kjøller, E.
Ugeskrift for Laeger 155(3): 158-161
ISSN/ISBN: 0041-5782 PMID: 8421874 Document Number: 417368
The contact between patients and doctors was examined having established smaller doctor/nurse teams to take care of the same seven to eight patients during the weekdays of their stay at hospital. Ten weekdays after their admission to hospital 63% of the patients had not had contact with any other doctor(s) than their personal doctor(s), and 70% of the patients had seen only two different doctors. During the same period the doctors saw their patients three times on an average. We conclude that organizing the hospital doctors in small teams is a way to obtain good continuity in the contact between the patient and the hospital doctor.