Governments' perceptions and policies of population redistribution in East and South East Asia

Kosinski, L.A.

Population Geography a Journal of the Association of Population Geographers of India 3(1-2): 4-15


ISSN/ISBN: 0256-5331
PMID: 12179086
Document Number: 414032
"This paper is based on the results of the Third Inquiry among Governments on Population and Development carried out in 1977 by the UN Secretariat. It reports on perceptions and policies concerning international migrations, spatial distribution of the national population, internal migration and settlement patterns in fourteen South East and East Asian countries. "It appears that nearly all countries under consideration were concerned with the spatial distribution of population both as a factor related to problems caused by excessive natural increase and as a problem on its own right. The majority of countries were prepared to pursue policies affecting basic trends in internal migration. Most governments declared their willingness to alter patterns of rural or both rural and urban settlement. Only two countries were interested in increasing emigration; the remaining ones were satisfied with the existing levels of international migration."

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