Operative laparoscopy. American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists 1991 membership survey
Hulka, J.F.; Peterson, H.B.; Phillips, J.M.; Surrey, M.W.
Journal of Reproductive Medicine 38(8): 569-571
ISSN/ISBN: 0024-7758 PMID: 8410856 Document Number: 413339
The American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists 1991 membership survey on operative laparoscopy had a total of 878 respondents reporting 56,536 procedures, for a 1.5-fold increase over the number of procedures reported in 1988. The most frequent indication was pelvic pain (58% of procedures); next was infertility (42%). Laparoscopic management of ectopic pregnancy increased over twofold, from 1,914 cases in 1988 to 4,620 in 1991. As compared to the 1988 survey data, the rate of unintended laparotomy to manage hemorrhage, bowel or urinary tract injury may have increased, but the death rate remained low, 1.8 per 100,000 procedures.