Certain diagnostic-certification problems in workers exposed chronically to carbon disulfide

Sińczuk-Walczak, H.

Medycyna Pracy 44(5): 415-421


ISSN/ISBN: 0465-5893
PMID: 8107554
Document Number: 406711
The results of examinations of workers employed in manufacturing of chemical fibres were analysed. The study covered 378 workers of mean age between 49.9 and 52 years, employed at different working posts. A chronic exposure to carbon disulfide (CS2) ranged from 19.4 to 23.4 years, on average. The diagnosis of chronic intoxication with CS2 was mainly based on pathological changes observed in the nervous system such as encephalopathy, polyneuropathy and encephalo-polyneuropathy. Encephalopathy was most common and it was observed in 35.4% of patients and the mixed syndromes were found in 25%. Greatest difficulties were encountered in the diagnosis and health certification of chronic CS2 intoxication manifested by the pseudoneurotic syndrome and the sensory polyneuropathy.

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