Psychosomatic status and quality of work of pilots in years of the quiet and the active sun years

Usenko, G.A.

Aviakosmicheskaia i Ekologicheskaia Meditsina 27(1): 18-23


ISSN/ISBN: 0233-528X
PMID: 8220334
Document Number: 405512
The study indicated that with an increased solar activity the body systems of highly anxious (HA) flight-operators as compared to low anxious (LA) operators reach a new, more intensive level of functioning. Such a condition of the physiological status in HA operators goes together with a sharp rise of pilot mishandling in flying technique, a decrease in working capacity which along with other characteristics are indicative of a fall in the central nervous system functioning during active versus quiet sun year. The LA operators capacity to maintain the homeostasis during active sun year at a level of the quiet one affects positively flying longevity and less pronounced, as compared to HA operators, increase of pilot mishandling in flying technique during the active sun year.

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