Abdominal attack of hereditary angioedema associated with marked leucocytosis. A case report
Calbo, L.; Quattrocchi, P.; Ferlazzo, B.
Italian Journal of Gastroenterology 24(8): 464-465
ISSN/ISBN: 0392-0623 PMID: 1421450 Document Number: 400178
Hereditary angioedema (HAE) attacks are not usually associated with an increase of peripheral blood leucocytes. In a 25-year-old woman suffering from HAE a marked leucocytosis (31,000/mm3) with polynucleosis was observed during a severe attack of the disease. Awareness of the underlying disease, physical examination and the results of instrumental investigations allowed for appropriate treatment avoiding invasive procedures. A leucocytosis of the severity observed in our patient suggests that the abdominal attack of HAE can involve the peritoneum as well as the intestinal mucosa. Thus, in a patient with an attack of abdominal pain the presence of leucocytosis does not exclude the diagnosis of HAE.